Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansya-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansya-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Miquel Ordonez -
Number of replies: 0

Pre-hospital care is essential due to the potential benefits that may be provided to patients who are given proper care before they even arrive in the hospital. Various interventions may already be started as soon as trained healthcare personnel arrive at the scene, and without these, some patients may not even have a chance at surviving at all. This form of care is even more important in areas wherein there are no nearby hospitals, as the time between the acute life-threatening event and proper hospital care will be prolonged. If healthcare personnel can arrive on time and give assistance to these patients, they may prevent the rapid deterioration of the patients and their present conditions.


            Even if patients do not necessarily have to be brought to a hospital, pre-hospital care can provide numerous advantages for those they assist. For instance, the personnel may be able to assess if any interventions they can provide will already be enough to resolve the situation, without the need of the patient being admitted to a hospital. This is especially important in patients who also live in areas far from hospitals, as this may prevent them from having to spend large amounts of money for an admission that was not necessary.