Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Jeri Ian Abdon -
Number of replies: 0

No matter how difficult a situation is, Filipinos possess the innate characteristic or trait to always be resilient and be creative to be able to surpass the numerous challenges that are constantly thrown with their respective lives. However, in the context of receiving adequate and timely pre-hospital care during emergency situations, are these traits sufficient enough to actually save the lives of our fellow citizens? Delving deeper into the documentary and the actual experiences of people especially in the rural areas, the importance of proper and well-established pre-hospital care is of great significance. Inadequacy of pre-hospital care or emergency medical services in all parts of the country would most probably translate into higher number of mortalities and morbidities. Furthermore, there are several flaws in our country’s current healthcare system. Yes, there might be signs of improvement in the urban areas; however, there still remains a concept of being “left out” especially in the far-flung areas or GIDAs. Hence, for patients with acute-life threatening conditions or those that necessitate immediate medical attention, the implementation of a well-structured and responsive pre-hospital care should be established as soon as possible. The government and policy makers also have a huge role and responsibility to fill-in through proper allocation of resources and funding to the medical sector. Through this support, proper distribution of the competent and trained medical professionals not just in the urban areas but also in the rural areas should be done.