Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Francis Charles Andaya -
Number of replies: 0

It is a sad reality how Filipinos are very dependent on the Bayanihan spirit in order to replace the duties the government is unable to fulfill. In the big cities such as Manila, we currently see stark inequalities in public hospitals vs private hospitals. These inequalities are much more pronounced in provinces and geographically-isolated and disadvantaged areas (GIDAs).

"Health is multifactorial."

There are many factors affecting the health system and health delivery, or lack thereof, in farflung areas. One factor is government shortcomings and lack of funding/prioritization. Another is maldistribution of health goods and services, as well as human resources for health, in these areas. Another possible factor is lack of proper health education and poor healthseeking behavior. These factors must be addressed in order to alleviate disease prevalence.

Pre-hospital care is important in emergencies. Proper and adequate pre-hospital care decreases morbidity and mortality as well as decreases risk for prolonged disease/sequelae. For example, pre-hospital care includes optimization of nutrition and first-aid of burns. Optimization of nutrition includes adequate intake as well as proper composition of diet. This allows the body to adjust to the disease, fight the pathogens, and recuperate faster with the help of medications. First aid of burns include passing the affected area with running water and prevention of secondary infections by proper wound care.

However, pre-hospital care already assumes that the injury already occurred. As public health advocates, we should also push for prevention of disease/injury. This includes childproofing the house, or watching closely on the infant/toddler and preventing spills especially from hot substances. This also includes optimizing nutrition in order to prevent contracting communicable diseases and strengthening the immune system. Prevention also includes having regular checkups.

In farflung areas where basic health needs are not delievered adequately, we must emphasize the need for disease prevention and health promotion. And for instances where injury or disease has already occurred, prompt consultation and ER visit should be done without delay.