Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Jose Divinagracia -
Number of replies: 0

There is only so much pre-hospital care can do in the setting of an emergency. An emergency situation needs urgent management from institutions with sufficient capabilities. The goal of pre-hospital care is to do as much as you can while preparing and transporting the patient to an able ER which is why pre-hospital care and QUICK access to health care go hand in hand. If we want good pre-hospital care, we should also improve the access to healthcare.
In the video, even if we deployed trained EM service responders to the rural communities, the responders cannot sustain an acutely ill patient's life long enough if the travel time to the nearest ER is ~4 hours. The documentary highlights this deathly insufficiency in our country's far flung communities where physical access like roads and  presence of trained professionals are non-existent. Whatever we learned in this emergency medicine module, such as the ABCDE's, could not go beyond stabilizing the patient for only a short amount of time. Even the ABCDE's would prove to be almost always futile in the communities as neglected by duty-bearers as those shown in the documentary.