Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Christopher Rey Estrada -
Number of replies: 0

In the Philippines, health care has always been a problem for decades. Aside from the fact that in the Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA) are very difficult to be reached by healthcare professionals, the healthcare facilities in the Local Health Center are also ill-prepared. Some GIDAs are so isolated that it took the family of John Lloyd 4 hours to reach the nearest Local Health Center. The center itself was also ill-prepared as the basic emergency equipment could not be found, as well as a licensed Physician. Furthermore, many in the GIDAs had not been well-educated with regards to their health and as such, have poor health-seeking behavior, causing what could have been an easily treatable disease such as TB or Nutrition to further increase in severity. It is also important to note that in GIDAs acute injuries are fairly common as most GIDAs are not equipped with proper safety protocols to shield them from nature or burns

As such, in many of these areas, it is important to further increase funding for pre-hospital care. There should be first aid and emergency procedures in place in these areas especially since many of the patients in GIDAs are prone to infection, malnutrition and injuries. Furthermore developing patient education in the GIDAs will increase awareness of possible life-threatening conditions, allowing the community to take action immediately