Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Richmond Batulan -
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Medicine as a profession entails a holistic approach as physical illnesses are intrinsically linked to social injustices, science should benefit all, not just those who have the means to profit from it. The documentary depicts how we are all bounded by different societal forces such as power, structures, facts. Without a proper pre-hospital care in place, trauma patients die in the field without being treated or transported to the hospital. A good pre-hospital care provides timely and appropriate emergency care and even buys time in some situations until definitive care is available especially for patients with acute life-threatening conditions. Funds of our government should strengthen the public health system down to the communities by improving emergency services including strong information structure, emergency equipment, health promotion, and making medications accessible and affordable. In addition, creating referral system with better linkages that promotes timely referral and access to prehospital care improves access to health care. Providers should be able to consolidate into integrated health care provider networks where there could be easier referral systems and more efficient use of resources and delivery of comprehensive care. Integrated health care provider networks lead to better communication amongst emergency care providers which promotes timely referral and appropriate emergency care. With these in place and operating, health for all is attainable where needs are met, and no one is left behind.