Ambulansyang-de-Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

Ambulansyang de Paa: Collaborative Discussion

by Jasmine Martha Santos -
Number of replies: 0

The truth of the matter in the country is that most areas outside of the main city do not have proper access to health care. And watching the story of the patient with chronic TB, unable to travel to the hospital and isolated in a shack away from the main village was heartbreaking. While it is a testament to the Filipino spirit of bayanihan, that volunteers from the village agreed to carry him down the mountain, I cannot help but wonder if it was by virtue of the journalist who came to interview them with the camera crew that they went above and beyond to transport the young man down the mountain to get him to the hospital. It begs the question - why is this still a problem? It is not just a matter of lack of facilities, it is also a matter of transportation and infrastructure set in place to get these remote areas access to the many amenities they are removed from. From this it is evident that the problem of providing adequate public health is multi-factorial and multi-sectoral.