Activity: Identification of Incisor specimens

Since you have little or no opportunity to study natural human tooth specimens, I have uploaded pictures of my collection of natural tooth specimens (sounds bizarre, right?) for you to appreciate the variations in tooth form of the permanent teeth. I will be uploading photos of all tooth types as we go along the module on the morphology of individual permanent teeth. 

Please practice identifying teeth using the different systems of nomenclature (ADA, FDI, Palmers) until you become very familiar with the features of the teeth and the numbering systems. Remember, you cannot accurately identify a tooth just by looking at one aspect. Try looking at all the aspects before you answer. As they say, practice makes perfect. - Dr. Michelle Segarra

P.S. The identification of these teeth is NOT a required task but if you wish, you can submit your answers to me via PM (Michelle Segarra) or email ( The format is Set #, Specimen #, (your answer).