Cataract Assignment Submission

Please answer the following questions:

  1. What parts of the eye are involved in the surgery? Discuss 5.
  2. What measures can be taken preoperatively in order to avoid surgical site infection? Discuss 3.
  3. What measures can be taken intraoperatively in order to avoid surgical site infection? Discuss 5.
  4. What measures can be taken postoperatively in order to avoid surgical site infection? Discuss 3.
  5. Why is cataract blindness common in the Philippines?  What factors hinder patients from receiving proper treatment? Discuss 3.

Save your answers in a PDF or Word file, A4 size, Calibri font size 12, single-spaced, maximum of 2 pages.

Please save the file as BLOCK_Surname+First&MiddleInitials_Cat. For example, 10A_RancheFT_Cat