ASSIGNMENT (Required) For Day 02: The Philippine Health Situation Session; "Tulay" Documentary Excerpt Viewing and Reflection

Opened: Sunday, 1 August 2021, 12:00 AM
Due: Wednesday, 9 February 2022, 12:00 AM

☝🏾 To help prepare for and contextualize the National Health Situation session, these are the instructions:         

🎗 This video excerpt from TV5's Insider Documentaries features the eponymous "Tulay" and Mang Benny. It is primarily intended to be used as both a cognitive and affective anchor for the discussions on Health Systems, the Philippine/National Health Situation, Primary Health Care, Social Determinants of Health and Health for All within the FCH 260.2 rotation. Below is the link to the documentary excerpt: 

🎗 The intern-learners are asked to reflect on the documentary by answering the following questions (To be submitted in PDF format here in the VLE or through this GDrive link - make sure to submit using your official UP emails - if the VLE submission doesn't work):

The guide questions are as follows: 

  1. Using the film as a reference point, what word would you use to describe the health situation in the Philippines? Why?
  2. What about Benny’s story resonated with you the most? Why?
  3. Would you say that Benny’s situation is representative of how most Filipinos experience health care? Why or why not?
  4. Recall a recent health experience of your own or your loved ones. Was it a positive or negative one? What made it so?
  5. What do you think is your personal stake in influencing the state of our nation’s health? How do you think can the FCH 260.2 course help you in making this a reality?  

          At the National Health Situation session on Day 02, Dr. Hamoy will conduct a processing of the intern-learners' reflections by facilitating the discussion of their answers to the assignment to paint a picture of the state of the nation’s health. A synthesis of the session will then be given where Dr. Hamoy will provide key inputs, facts, information, updates, etc. on the Philippine Health Situation to the intern-learners. The objectives of the session are as follows: 

Learning Objectives for the Day 02 National Health Situation Session:

At the end of the session, the interns should be able to:

  1. Describe the different factors that determine the health of an individual in the Philippine Setting.
  2. Describe the Philippine Health Situation.
  3. Frame the FCH 260.2 rotation within the context of the Philippine Health System.