Mini-Research Project Due: May 31, 2024

Due: Friday, 31 May 2024, 9:00 PM
Make a submission





In clinical teaching, it is important to determine the core competencies that graduates should be able to acquire and are considered in the development of clinical learning outcomes and deciding on learning activities.  Your task is to conduct a simple research project to determine the competencies of health professionals perceived as most essential by clinical teachers and write a report of its findings.  This task is to be performed in pairs or groups of three members.



1. Submit a proposed research plan in the following format:



Target sample and approx. number:


Research questions

Research Objectives

Data to be collected

Source of data

Data collection procedure

Data collection instrument

How will data be analyzed?























Proposed schedule:






Activity/ Output




Person responsible







3.  Once approval of the proposal is acquired, implement the research plan.  Remember, this is just a mini-research project, not a thesis, so the number of data points need not be voluminous.  What is important is that you are able to identify what pertinent information will be useful to collect to help validate the relevance of the core competencies as reviewed in the literature.

4. Collect your data and analyze it.  Based on the results, come up with a prioritized list of competencies expected of health professionals and recommendations on how these competencies can be useful for the development and implementation of clinical teaching.

You may want to look into Kendall’s Coefficient of Concordance (W) as the statistical test to use for analysis.  You can view a video tutorial here:

Real statistics using Excel


5. Submit your written report in an MSWord file in the following format provided.  Label your file submissions as file name: HP223_MRP_[surname of group members separated by space]_[month day submitted]

Example: HP223_MRP_grageda salvacion dicolen_Dec09




- one page abstract following the format: Introduction, Objectives, Methodology, Results, Conclusion and Recommendations

Table of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Appendices

Chapter I: Introduction

  • Background
  • Statement of the problem
  • Research questions and objectives
  • Significance
  • Operational definition of terms

Chapter II: Theoretical Background

  • Review of literature

Chapter III: Methodology

  • Study Design
  • Study Setting
  • Population and Sampling Technique
  • Data Collection Procedure
  • Data Processing and Analysis

Chapter IV.  Results

-          (Present according to your research objectives)

Chapter V: Discussion

-          (Relate results to literature)

Chapter VI. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations


Division of work

  • Describe the contribution of each group member in the conduct of the project and in the writing of the report
  • Self-assessment (using the rubric provided, as a group, assess your output and attach the accomplished rubric here)
  • Group reflection (What did you learn from the activity?)




Don’t forget to include the signed academic integrity statement at the last page of your work.




As a student of the University of the Philippines, I pledge to act ethically and uphold the value of honor and excellence.

 I understand that suspected misconduct on given assignments/examinations will be reported to the appropriate office and if established, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with University rules, policies and procedures. I may work with others only to the extent allowed by the Instructor.



Name and Signature

Student Number

Assessment Criteria

Your outputs will be assessed using the following scoring guide:








Needs improvement







All elements of the abstract were presented

Most elements of the abstract were presented

Only 1-2 elements of the abstract were presented

Abstract was not presented

Abstract presented the main points of the research cleary

Clarity of the main points presented in the abstract of the research was inconsistent

Main points presented in the abstract of the research was not clear

Abstract was not presented

Entire abstract was concise

Major aspects of the abstract were presented with conciseness

Abstract was too wordy

Abstract was too wordy and exceeded the one-page limit




Background clearly described the context of the research problem

Clearly described major aspects of the context of the research problem

Description focused mainly on aspects not relevant to the research problem

Did not describe the context of the research problem

Research problem was clearly stated

Major aspects of the research problem was clearly stated

Research problem was not clearly stated

Research problem was not stated

All research questions were clearly stated



Most of the research questions were clearly stated

Research questions were vague

Research questions were not presented

All research objectives adhered to the elements of a good research objective

Most research objectives adhered to the elements of a good research objective

Research objectives adhered to some of the elements of a good research objective

All research objectives did not adhere to the elements of a good research objective

Theoretical Background



Review of related literature provided substantial theoretical support to the research

Review of related literature provided acceptable theoretical support to the research

Review of related literature provided lacked substantial theoretical support to the research

Review of related literature did not provide substantial theoretical support to the research

Literature reviewed were relevant and up to date

Literature reviewed were relevant and most were up to date

Literature reviewed were relevant but outdated

Literature reviewed were not relevant and outdated

Literature reviewed was presented in a logically organized manner

Most of the literature reviewed was presented in a logically organized manner

Presentation of most of the literature reviewed was unorganized

Presentation of literature reviewed was unorganized and confusing

All sources were appropriately cited and consistently followed the APA format

All sources were appropriately cited with some inconsistencies in following the APA format

Not all sources were appropriately cited and did not follow the APA format

Sources were not cited and did not follow the APA format



Research design used was consistent and with the research questions & objectives and was justified well

Research design used was consistent with the research questions & objectives and fairly justified

Research design used was consistent with the research questions & objectives, but no justification was provided.

Research design used was inconsistent with the research questions & objectives

Study design used was comprehensively described

Most elements of the study design used was described

Fair description of the study design used was presented

Study design used was not described

Study population and sample was comprehensively described

Most elements of the study population and sample was described

Fair description of the study population and sample was presented

Study population and sample was not described

Sampling technique used was comprehensively described

Most elements of the sampling technique used was described

Fair description of the sampling technique used was presented

Sampling technique used was not described

Data collection procedure was described clearly

Main components of the data collection process were described clearly

Description of data collection procedure was vague

Data collection procedure was not described

Data collected was relevant to the research objectives

Most of the data collected was relevant to the research objectives

Some of the data collected was relevant to the research objectives

Data collected was relevant to the research objectives




Results were presented clearly

Main components of the results were described clearly

Description of results was vague

Results were not described

Analysis of data was accurate and consistent with research objectives and data collection procedures

Analysis of data was mostly accurate and consistent with research objectives and data collection procedures

Analysis of most data was inaccurate and inconsistent with research objectives and data collection procedures

Analysis of data was inaccurate and inconsistent with research objectives and data collection procedures

Analysis of results was in-depth

Analysis of results was adequate

Analysis of results was superficial

Results were not analyzed


Results were explained and discussed clearly

Inconsistent clarity in the discussion of results

Unclear discussion of results

Results were not discussed

All results were related to the literature reviewed

Most of the results were related to the literature reviewed

Most of the results were not related to the literature reviewed

Results were not related to the literature reviewed

Summary, Conclusion & Recommendations

Summary was complete and concise

Summary was mostly complete and concise

Summary was incomplete and lacked conciseness

Summary was not presented

Conclusions were consistent with research objectives and results

Most of the conclusion statements were consistent with research objectives and results

Some of the conclusion statements were consistent with research objectives and results

Conclusions were not consistent with research objectives and results

All recommendations were consistent with conclusion

Most recommendations were consistent with conclusion

Recommendations were not consistent with conclusion

No recommendations were provided


All references were included

Cited references were included

Reference list was incomplete

No references were reported

Reference list followed the recommended APA format

Reference list followed the recommended APA format

Most references in the list did not followed the recommended APA format

All references in the list did not follow the recommended APA format


Followed the recommended format

Most parts of the report followed the recommended format

Most parts of the report did not follow the recommended format

Did not follow the recommended format


Submitted output on time

Submitted output 1-12 hours beyond the deadline

Submitted output 1-5 days beyond the deadline

Submitted output >5days beyond the deadline

Division of work

Division of work was fair for all members

Division of work was fair for most members

Division of work was fair for some members

Work was not divided among members


Total: 90 points




Submission date

Submitted proposals must be in by Mar 13, 2024 9:00pm. Submit in MSWord file with file name: HP223_MRPPROPOSED_[surname of all members separated by space]_[month day submitted]

Example: HP223_MRPPROPOSED_grageda salvacion dicolen_Oct16

This will be returned with feedback and suggestions by Mar 20, 2024

Draft submissions of the final report should be submitted before May 15, 2024 at 8:00am to receive formative feedback which will be sent to you by May 22, 2024.  Draft submissions should be in MSWord format with file name: HP223_MRPDRAFT_[surname of all members separated by space]_[month day submitted]

Example: HP223_MRPDRAFT_grageda salvacion dicolen_Dec18

Final reports are due on May 31, 2024 9:00pm.