Assignment 5: Curricular Design

Due: Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 9:00 PM

1. Based on the intended learning outcomes that you have developed, identify content areas that need to be covered.  Use a concept map to show the relationship between the concepts included in the content.

2. Organize and sequence content areas and justify why this will be the most appropriate way to organize the content, based on the ILOs.  Show how the content will be distributed throughout the duration of the program.

3.  Identify the main teaching-learning strategies that will be utilized in your curriculum. 

4.  Identify main assessment methods to be utilized to evaluate achievement of the ILOs



    Alignment with ILOs & framework            10 pts

    Concept Map                                              20 pts

     Organization of content                             10 pts


     Aligned with ILOs                                        10 pts

     Appropriate with existing resources            10 pts


     Appropriate with ILOs                                   15 pts

     Appropriate to strategies                              10 pts

TOTAL                                                                  85 pts

Be ready to present a draft version of your work during the plenary on Nov 12, 2024.