Assignment 2: Rationale for Curriculum Design
Your next task is to create a rationale for your curriculum.
What is the overall direction of the program? Why the need for its creation? Consider your institution's philosophy and learning theory. This will help you decide on what is of value and should therefore be included in the curriculum.
Who are the target learners? How will the new curriculum contribute to developing the learners into what the institution's philosophy defines an educated person?
Be ready to present your draft in the plenary during the synchronous session on Oct 12, 2021
Submit in MSWord or PDF format with the following file name: HP211A_A1_[surname]_[month day submitted]
Example: HP211A_A1_grageda_Oct02
You may also opt to input your output directly here in the site.
Don’t forget to include the signed academic integrity statement at the last page of your work.
As a student of the University of the Philippines, I pledge to act ethically and uphold the value of honor and excellence.
I understand that suspected misconduct on given assignments/examinations will be reported to the appropriate office and if established, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with University rules, policies and procedures. I may work with others only to the extent allowed by the Instructor.
___________________ Name and Signature Student Number |
Assessment Criteria
Your outputs will be assessed using the following scoring guide:
Values expressed 20 pts
Consistency with context 10 pts
Clearly laid out direction of the curriculum 20 pts
TOTAL 50 pts