Weekly outline

  • Welcome to the module on research integrity

    Welcome everyone to the online module on research integrity.

    This online module was designed to supplement the live research integrity educational caravans or serve as a stand alone module that can be used by students, faculty, reps and trainees that conduct research.

    For undergraduate students, such as those taking IDC 211 (LU3), completing the module is part of the learning outcomes of basic health research course.

    In the event that research integrity training will be required prior to conducting research in UP Manila, certificates of completion will be issued to those who complete the course and pass the quizzes.

    The module is composed of the following sections:

         1. Introduction to Research Integrity

         2. Fabrication and Falsification

         3. Plagiarism

         4. Authorship

         4. Predatory Journals and Conferences

         5. Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) as an author

    The recorded lectures contained in this online module were compiled from the online lectures that were delivered during the educational caravans and webinars.  These lectures will be updated as the lectures delivered during the educational caravans are updated.

    We hope you learn from this module as we have learned creating this. 

    • Introduction to Research Integrity

      The University of the Philippines Manila is having a remarkable journey in research integrity.  This started when Dr. Edward Wang attended the World Congress on Research Integrity (WCRI) in Hong Kong where he learned the principles and connected with prominent RI practitioners around the world.  Upon his return, he established the Committee on Research Integrity (CRI) which has since evolved into an office.

      This is a lecture by Dr. Wang delivered during the webinar with BRIMEA in 2021 which introduces the learners to the concepts of RI and describes the important landmarks of University on RI. 

      • Fabrication, Falsification and Plagiarism

        The spectrum of research integrity covers questionable research practices (QRPs) as well as research misconduct.  Falsification, Fabrication and Plagiarism are considered among the "big three" practices that constitutes research misconduct.  This is a lecture on fabrication and falsification by Dr. Jojo Mantaring.  This was recorded during the Educational caravan for the colleges of Nursing and Allied Medical Professions.  The lecture covers practices that are considered fabrication and falsification.  Included in this lecture is the fabrication of figures.

      • Plagiarism

        Plagiarism is defined as "the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas without proper attribution therefore passing them off as one's own". This is considered the third of the "big three" practices that consititutes research misconduct. This is a lecture by Dr. Edward Wang during the Educational Caravan for the colleges of Nursing and Allied Medical Professions. 

      • Authorship

        Authorship issues are often encountered especially now that collaboration among researchers is encouraged.  This has led to publications necessitating multiple authors the order of which should be determined guided by intellectual contribution.  During our educational caravan, authorship is perhaps one of the topics that attracts the most questions and discussion. 

        This is a lecture on authorship by Dr. Jean Toral delivered during the Educational Caravan for the Colleges of Nursing and Alled Medical Professions. 

      • Predatory Journals and Conferences

        This is a lecture on predatory journals and conferences by Prof Lhen Balolong during the Educational Caravan for the colleges of Nursing and Allied Medical Professions.

      • ChatGPT

        With the advent of artificial intelligence, discussions have emerged on research integrity issues on the use of artificial intelligence in research in general and AI as an author in particular. 

        This is a lecture on Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT) by Dr. Christopher Jay T. Robidillo during the 19th Science and Technology Week.