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Course Description: This course deals with the application of concepts and principles of clinical diagnosis and management in the practice of pediatrics in the hospital setting. In the subject Junior Clerkship in Pediatrics which you took two years ago, you learned the concepts and principles in the diagnosis of common pediatric conditions. In this sequel course, you will have the opportunity to sharpen your clinical eye in the clinical diagnosis of common pediatric disorders that predominantly affect specific organ systems. Likewise, you will now learn how to manage these common pediatric disorders so you can build your self-confidence going into your one-year Hospital Internship course.

Course Learning Outcomes:
After completing this course, you should be able to:
CO1. Elicit a comprehensive clinical history of a pediatric patient
CO2. Perform a complete physical examination of a pediatric patient
CO3. Given an actual clinical scenario, perform history-taking and physical examination of a pediatric patient.
CO4. Given an actual clinical scenario, develop a diagnostic and therapeutic management plan for a pediatric patient.
CO5. Given an actual clinical scenario in various settings (in-patient/out-patient/emergency room), formulate a basic diagnostic and management plan.

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