Self-Assessment: How good are you at time management?


Before you can determine the best strategies for effective time management that will work for you, you must first assess yourself. Answer this self-assessment quiz.

  1. Based on a typical day, rate yourself on each item:
    1 = Rarely
    2 = Sometimes
    3 = Often
    4 = Always
  2. After, answering the question, tally your results by adding each rating.

If you scored between:

31-40: Congratulations! You are managing your time well overall.

You have formed good habits and have established methods and tools that work for you. As a result, you’ve been able to keep on top of schoolwork, deal well with pressure and achieve balance in your life. However, there may be some ways that you can improve on your current time management practices. As you go through this module, pay particular attention to any new time management skills that would work for you.

21-30: You are good at managing your time, but there is room for improvement.

Review your answers to see where you currently struggle. For example, is it with setting goals, planning tasks and scheduling? Or is with with procrastination, managing distractions or not asking for help when you need it? As you work though the module, pay particular attention to areas where you can improve and make note of the tips and resources provided. 

10-20: You need to improve how you are currently managing your time.

The good news is that anyone can learn how to manage their time better. You first need to investigate what works well for you and start putting new habits into play. As you worked through the quiz, you most likely recognized some new skills that you could apply in your daily life. Each area of the module outlines various challenges that students face, and provides tips and resources to help overcome those challenges. 

NOTE: This self-assessment quiz is adapted from Sheridan College's Self Assessment Quiz on Time Management.

Grading method: Highest grade