Additional Resources

Watch and read the following short videos and articles to supplement your learning.

a) Overview of Integumentary System focusing on the functions of the skin from Khan Academy

b) Processes of wound healing.

c)Thermoregulation of the Human Body. This article will help you gain a deeper understanding of how the blood flow of the skin responds in response to the changes in the body’s core temperature and changes in the temperature of the external environment. Please click on the link to access the article: body/#

d) Mechanisms and modifiers of reflex-induced cutaneous vasodilation and vasoconstriction in humans. Reflex cutaneous vasodilation and vasoconstriction processes are modified by acute factors, such as exercise and hydration, and more long-term factors, such as aging, reproductive hormones, and disease (Charkoudian N, 2010). Please click on the link

Last modified: Monday, 28 August 2023, 7:43 PM