Course Requirements and Criteria for Grading


  1. Integrative Essay on a Rhetorical Situation                                                                   30%
  2. Free Writing Exercise on Identity Construction                                                            20%
  3. Essay on Representation                                                                                                20%                
  4.  Multimodal Presentation                                                                                                20% 
  5. Attendance and Other submissions (Infographic and additional requirements)      10%



INTEGRATIVE ESSAY ON A RHETORICAL SITUATION (Group work)In a maximum of 1000 words, you are to demonstrate your ability to synthesize your understanding of a reading material and analysis of a rhetorical situation in a news video as you push for your argument regarding the topic at hand. 


FREE WRITING EXERCISE ON IDENTITY CONSTRUCTION (Individual work)In a maximum of 1000 words, you should discuss the dimensions of your identity based on what you have learned about the process of identity construction.  Do not worry, the content of your composition will be confidential. 


ESSAY ON REPRESENTATION (Group work)In a maximum of 1000 words, you are expected to write an essay on the representation of social media for a happy life using the constructionist perspective.  


MULTIMODAL PRESENTATION (Group work)With this requirement, you are to demonstrate your creativity as you feature in the group presentation your understanding of the specific topics in Modules 5 and 6. 


INFOGRAPHIC (Individual work) AND OTHER SUBMISSIONS: These are outputs in the activities in the modules. The graded activities are those with the heading “Activity Guide”  (in red ink) and with corresponding deadlines.

Last modified: Sunday, 18 August 2024, 2:13 PM