Learning Activities on Skin Integrity and Pre-Op Nursing

Review the basic concept or nature of Peri-Operative Nursing from the study guide or the reference materials cited.

Do Activity 2: Peri-Operative Phases   This will help you determine the nursing functions across these phases.  You can work on this individually from the study guide.  No submission is required.

Do Activity 3:  “To Scrub or Not to Scrub…Which phase are you?”  Some activities cut across the different peri-operative phases while others are specific to a phase.

Principles of Basic Nursing Skills and Interventions

The Study Guide lists the focus of this session in terms of nursing skills and procedures.  Read and be able to identify the purpose, indications and rationale behind these procedures.

  • Establishing and Maintaining a Sterile Field
  • Wound dressing and bandages
  • Application of Bandages and binders
  • Heat and cold applications
  • Surgical handwashing
  • Donning (Putting on) and Doffing (Taking off) Procedure for Surgical Personal Protective Equipment

Read Surgical Asepsis and the Principles of Sterile Technique on important principles, steps and rationale behind these principles.  

Equipment Donning and Doffing Procedure to Protect Surgical Teams from SARS-CoV-2 Exposure during the COVID-19 Pandemic  Provides enhanced procedures to ensure added measures of safety to the surgical team and quality surgical care to clients who may be positive or suspected covid-19 patients.

Do Activity 4:  Heat and Cold Application  Although this intervention now requires a valid physician's order, the nurse still needs to know in which conditions these interventions or treatments apply.  Submission is not required.

Work on  the GROUP Assignment – The Wound Wardrobe:  Types of Wound Dressing  Read the instructions on the assignment in the Study Guide.  Each group is expected to submit 2 outputs.  Upload or Post your group assignment in the submission bin.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 September 2024, 10:00 AM