Session 7 Guide


This session discusses the fundamental structure and function of nucleic acids.Β At the end of this session, you should be able to:

    • identify the components of nucleic acids
    • explain the structural differences between DNA and RNA
    • describe DNA structure and how it is packed in the cell

The following are the tasks for this session:

  1. Go through the Nucleic Acid Structure and Function lesson.Β 
  2. Visualize NA structure through models.
  3. Answer the Quick Exercise on NA structure and function (with the models as reference.)
  4. As a group, answer the problem set on DNA and RNA.
  5. Answer a 5-item quiz on the topic.
  6. Optional: An option is provided for you to perform DNA isolation using household materials. The protocol and materials are provided in the activity module.Β 

Main Reading Reference:Β Reading Module on Introduction to Nucleic Acids

If you have questions/clarifications, please use the designated forum board for this module.