Session 2 Guide


This session introduces us to the basic definition of proteins and will take us through the different structures of its building blocks, the amino acids. By learning the structure of these amino acids, we will have a better understanding of how the larger protein molecule is built. Remember, in biochemistry, structure dictates function.  

The following are the tasks for this session:

1. Go through the Amino Acids and Isoelectric point lesson. Be sure to answer the questions embedded in the lesson. 

2. Download the amino acid handouts and start learning and memorizing the structures of the 20 amino acids.

3. Individually, answer a quick exercise on amino acid structure and titration.

4. As a group, answer the problem set associated with buffers and amino acids. 

5. Answer the quiz on buffers and amino acids. Check the quiz details to know when this quiz opens and closes. 

Main Reading Reference: Reading Module on Amino Acids

If you have questions/clarifications, please use the designated forum board for this module.