BIO 173 Course Guide

Lecture Outline:


Behavioral Objectives

I. Introduction & General Concepts

A. Definitions

1) Parasitology

2) Symbiosis

3) Parasite Types & Characteristics

4) Hosts & Vectors

5) Parasite Life Cycles 

6) Host-Parasite Relationship

  B. Parasitology and Human Welfare

  C. Parasitology and Animal Welfare

  D. Parasite systematics, ecology and evolution

  E. Parasitology concepts on immunology and    Pathology


  • to define parasitism as a symbiosis
  • to distinguish parasitism from other symbioses
  • to enumerate the kinds of parasites hosts & vectors
  • to differentiate direct and indirect life cycles
  • to discuss host-parasite relationships
  • to discuss the pathogenesis of parasitic infection
  • to enumerate ways of parasite transmission & immune evasion
  • to enumerate factors that contribute to parasitism
  • to enumerate methods of prevention, control & treatment of parasitic infection

II. Parasitic Protozoans

  1. Basic Form and Function
  2. Flagellates 
  3. Amebae
  4. Spore-forming Apicomplexans
  5. Ciliates
  • to identify the general characteristics of parasitic protozoans
  • to differentiate the major groups of parasitic protozoans
  • to discuss representative species based on morphology, life cycle,  & epidemiology


III. Parasitic Helminths

A. Flatworms (Platyhelminths)

1) Basic Form and Function

2) Digenean Flukes (Trematodes)

a. Special characteristics and General Life Cycle

b. Liver Flukes

c. Intestinal Flukes

d. Lung Flukes

e. Blood Flukes

3) Tapeworms (Cestodes)

a. Special characteristics and General Life Cycle

b. Cyclophyllideans

c. Pseudophyllideans  

  • to identify the general characteristics of parasitic helminths
  • to differentiate the major groups of parasitic helminths
  • to discuss representative species based on morphology, life cycle & epidemiology

B. Roundworms (Nematodes)

1) Basic Form and Function

2) Directly-Transmitted

3) Food-Borne

4) Soil-Transmitted

      5) Vector-Borne



IV.  Acanthocephala :  Thorny-Headed Worms

  1. Basic Form and Function
  2. Development and Life Cycles
  3. Effects on Hosts
  4. Classification
  • to identify the general characteristics of these thorny-headed worms
  • to discuss the effects of Acanthocephalans on their hosts and in humans
  • to discuss representative species

V. Arthropods as Vectors & Ectoparasites

  1. Basic Form and Function
  2. Types of Arthropod Vectors 
  3. Effects of Arthropod Ectoparasites
  4. Insect Vectors & Ectoparasites
  5. Acarine Vectors & Ectoparasites
  • to identify the general characteristics of medically important arthropods
  • to differentiate the major groups of medically important arthropods
  • to discuss representative species based on morphology, life cycle, disease carried/ caused, & its control 



Laboratory Outline:Based on the prescribed BIO 173 laboratory manual of the Dept. of Biology.

            Exercise 1                                 Microscope

            Exercise 2                                 Protista

            Exercise 3                                 The Flagellates

            Exercise 4                                 The Amebas

            Exercise 5                                 The Apicomplexa

            Exercise 6                                 The Ciliates

             Exercise 7                                 Platyhelminthes

            Exercise 8                                 Trematodes

            Exercise 9                                 Cestodes

            Exercise 10                               Nematoda

            Exercise 11                               Arthropoda

            Exercise 12                               Laboratory Techniques

Last modified: Monday, 21 September 2020, 7:58 AM