PRE-SESSION WORK (Asynchronous) for Day 07 "The Primary Health Care Approach" Session

🎗 These are the details for the Pre-session work for the session, "The Primary Health Care Approach" with Dr. Medina on Day 07 of the FCH 260.2 Course at 8AM-12NN. 

☝🏾 By reading the two files and watching the linked video, it is hoped that the intern-learners will be equipped with the requisite contextual knowledge for the PHC Approach discussion during the asynchronous recording viewing and the synchronous processing sessions with Dr. Medina. As the intent of the assignment is to provide foundational and contextual knowledge, there are no submissions expected from the intern-learners.

🎗 Reading and Watching Order/Guide:

📌 The Alma Ata Declaration (1978) -

☝🏾 As the FCH 260.2 intern-learner browses through the 10 articles of the declaration, they are enjoined to contextualize what they are reading within the local, national and global historical events that were unfolding during the drafting of the declaration. Alma Ata PHC was a product of its time. It was born out of the global and local conditions that were being experienced by humanity within and among their respective nations. Thus, the beginning of one's true appreciation of what PHC is necessitates a realization that health does not exist in a vacuum. Therefore to reduce health to just a discussion revolving around its "service delivery", "human resources", "health technologies", "health financing", "health information systems" and "leadership and governance" elements, may actually be one of the critical reasons why now, more than ever, health systems fail to respond to the needs of many, if not majority, of the people here in the Philippines and worldwide.

📌 The Astana Declaration (WHO 2018) -

☝🏾 Touted to be the reaffirmation of the world's "commitment" to PHC, the intern-learner needs to read the "redeclaration" with a critical eye. Based on their understanding of PHC vis a vis the national and global status quos in health, is Astana faithful to the tenets and principles laid down by Alma Ata 40 years ago? Is it a recalibration of a once worthy endeavor gone astray or is it a perpetuation of a flawed understanding of what PHC is? As the intern-learner reflects, additional insights may be gained during the synchronous session and if their interest is sufficiently piqued, there are materials provided for them to dig deeper asynchronously.

📌 Introduction to Social Determinants of Health (YouTube, 6:27) -

☝🏾 The intern-learner can choose to watch this video first before reading the materials if they so wish. Whether they view it before or after the reading material, the intern-learner is asked to make the connection between SDH and PHC. This will be discussed during the synchronous PHC session with the intern free to challenge or affirm what will be brought up in class.

Last modified: Thursday, 6 January 2022, 5:35 PM