PRE-SESSION WORK (Asynchronous) for Day 07 Community Organizing and Community Development (CO/CD) Session

🎗 These are the details for the Pre-session work CO-CD work with Dr. Hamoy at 2PM-4PM on Day 07 of the FCH 260.2 Session. Please take note that there are two components to the asynchronous session:

☝🏾 The first is viewing a video selected for it's thought-provoking content while the second is a document that provides relevant reading material.

🎗 By watching the video "Diagnosing Poverty" (33:30), it is hoped that the FCH 260.2 intern-learners will be enabled to participate actively during the synchronous CO-CD discussion with Dr. Hamoy (The "Raining Rocks" activity). There are NO guide questions to answer. However, if you are so inclined, write down your thoughts/reactions/comments/reflections from the film and be ready to share when Doc Hari gives you the opportunity to do so.

🎗 The intern-learner is also asked to read the document "Theoretical Concepts and Practice of Community Medicine" to encourage more reflection and critical thought on the things shown in the film. The connections, learnings and insights of the intern-learner will be challenged, affirmed and deepened during the actual session. - “Theoretical Concepts and Practice of Community Medicine”

☝🏾 Dr. Hamoy's session is primarily a "formative" one and the interns are enjoined to participate actively in the synchronous CO-CD session (The "Raining Rocks Story") which may be conducted in online workshop format.

Last modified: Thursday, 6 January 2022, 5:32 PM