Upholding the principle of ethics in research

Activity:  A discussion on applying ethics in the conduct of research 


Intended Learning Outcome:  

       After studying this module, you should be able to:


            1.  explain ethics;  

            2.  discuss the significance of ethics in conducting research;

            3.  expound on the factors that affect intellectual integrity; and

            4. explain the ethical requirements in handling human subjects in research. 

Let’s Begin

           In conducting research, a scholar is expected to follow standards of appropriacy as he 

         or she proceeds to implement his study.  Ethical considerations should be made to protect the 

         research participants.  Their rights as human beings should be recognized as they participate in any 

         research study.  You are to learn all these in this module.


           Newsome, B.O. (2016). Research Ethics and Laws. An Introduction to Research, Analysis, and Writing 

                         Practical Skills for Social Science Students (pp. 84-111)USA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

           Stewart, T. (2002). Research Ethics. Principles of Research in Communication (pp. 61-69). Boston: 

                          Allyn & Bacon.



            As you read the materials,  look for the answers to the following questions:


            1.         Define ethics.

            2.         Why is it significant in the conduct of research?

            3.         What factors influence intellectual integrity?  How do these factors affect the ethical 

                        conduct of research?

            4.         Discuss Stewart’s four ethical considerations that need to be made in research that 

                         involves human participants. 

            5.         What are the assumptions behind the principle of informed consent?

            6.         What are the alternatives to informed consent?


Participate in the discussion during the synchronous session.