
Primary Clinical Final Papers Similarity Index Results

Primary Clinical Final Papers Similarity Index Results

by Julienne Ivan Soberano -
Number of replies: 0

Attention N108 Students,

It is crucial to emphasize that the quality of your final papers significantly impacts the evaluation process. We have used TURNITIN to check your submissions and found that none of you have exceeded the 30% similarity threshold as per University policy.

However, it's imperative to understand that TURNITIN not only checks for similarity but also evaluates your paper based on the sources used. The report indicated that some of your work relies heavily on external content, such as internet sources like WebMD, and should be carefully reviewed for proper citation. Additionally, TURNITIN also detects the use of AI-generated content.

Therefore, we expect you to use resources from peer-reviewed journals and books, as they are more reliable than internet sources.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.