

by Dave Mohses Ancheta -
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1.Muscle: Platysma
Origin: Covers the pectoralis major muscle and the deltoid muscle
Insertion: Lower face and mandible
Action: Depresses the mandible and pull the lower lip down 


2.Muscle: Mentalis
Origin: Anterior surface of the mandible
Insertion: Skin of the lower lip
Action:  Creates pouting by elevating and protruding the lower lip.


3.Muscle: Orbicularis Oris
Origin: Modiolus of Mouth
Insertion: Skin at the mouth corner
Action: It closes and protrudes lips for kissing and speaking


 4.Muscle: Corrugator Supercilii
Origin: Medial end of superciliary arch of frontal lobe
Insertion: Skin of the eyebrow
Action: Wrinkles forehead skin vertically (frowning) and causes the eyebrows to move downwards.


 5.Muscle: Orbicularis Oculi
Origin: Medial wall of orbit
Insertion: Upper and lower eyelids, skin around the margin of the orbit
Action: Closes the eyelids (blinking)


6. Muscle: Occipitofrontalis
Origin: Epicranial Frontalis
Insertion: Skin superior to supraorbital margin
Action: It lifts the eyebrows, makes horizontal lines on the forehead and moves the scalp ahead.