by Maui Faye Regachuelo -
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Situation 1
A 2-month old infant, must be injected on the vastus lateralis for Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV) and Pentavalent Vaccine (Penta).

Origin: The vastus lateralis originates from the greater trochanter and the lateral lip of the linea aspera of the femur.
Insertion: It inserts into the patella via the quadriceps tendon and then tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament.
Action: Extends leg at knee joint

How to locate:
1. Identify the great trochanter which is the prominent bone on the outer side of the thigh
2. Locate the knee joint and divide thigh into thirds
3. The injection is administered in the middle third of the anterior lateral aspect.

Situation 2:
For adults, including the elderly, the preferred site for IM injections like influenza vaccine is:
the deltoid muscle

Origin: Originates from the lateral third of the clavicle, the acromion process, and the spine of the scapula.
Insertion: Inserts into the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.
Action: he deltoid muscle is responsible for abduction of the arm (lifting the arm away from the body). It also assists in flexion, extension, and rotation of the arm at the shoulder joint.
Locating the Injection Site:
Position of the Patient: The patient should be seated with their arm relaxed and slightly abducted

Find the Site:
1. Find the acromion process (the bony prominence on the shoulder).
2. Place fingers just below the acromion process to find the deltoid muscle.
3. The injection site is approximately 2-3 fingerbreadths below the acromion process, in the central part of the deltoid muscle.