Activity 1. The Food Journey

BARROS, Francheska Jamila S.

BARROS, Francheska Jamila S.

by Francheska Jamila Barros -
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Food is first mechanically broken down into smaller pieces through mastication before it is consumed. As it travels down the digestive tract, it encounters acids and enzymes that chemically break down complex molecules into simpler ones. For example, gastric secretions in the stomach assist in breaking down proteins into amino acids, while bile from the liver aids in emulsifying fats. These processes result in a semi-liquid mixture known as chyme, which is absorbed in the small intestine.

Nutrients from broken-down food are absorbed in the small intestine. The inner surface of the small intestine is lined with structures called villi and microvilli, which increase the absorptive surface area. Nutrients are absorbed by these structures and transported into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, these nutrients are distributed to different body cells and tissues, providing the components and energy needed for bodily functions.