Activity 1. The Food Journey

BOTARDO, Jana Roz P.

BOTARDO, Jana Roz P.

by Jana Roz Botardo -
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1. How does the food change in consistency and form?

Food changes in consistency and form through different processes involved in digestion, these includes mastication, peristalsis, and absorption. Mastication causes the food to break down into smaller pieces, and the saliva contains enzymes that start digestion-- the food turns smaller and softer. Peristalsis causes the food to go down the digestive tract in smaller consecutive batches due to the narrowness of the esophagus. The stomach causes the food to mix with gastric juice, and form chyme, which is a liquid substance. This will later on go to the intestines and be absorbed, leaving the unabsorbed masses to be released as feces.

2. How could the body absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat?

Chewing involves enzymes that digest and absorb fats, followed by the formation of chyme. The chyme enters the small intestine which is the main nutrient-absorbing organ; The flaps and villi collects the needed nutrients from the chyme, and into the bloodstream.