Activity 1. The Food Journey

DEL ROSARIO, Michael Edrick O.

DEL ROSARIO, Michael Edrick O.

by Michael Edrick Del Rosario -
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1. How does the food change in consistency and form?

Food changes in consistency and form through a physiological process called digestion. A huge part of the continuous process of change in consistency happens in the initial portion of the small intestine called the duodenum. Multiple substances and factors assist in the breakdown process of food such as water, bile, mucus, and various enzymes. This causes food from our stomach to turn into bolus, a semi-solid paste, then into chyme which is a more fluid consistency as it further enters the small intestines.

2. How could the body absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat? 

After the duodenum converts food into chyme through its breakdown process, it transports the chyme to the latter parts of the small intestine namely the jejunum and ileum. These parts of the small intestine are mainly known for their nutrient-absorbing characteristics. The lining of the small intestine have plenty of vili which increases surface area of the said organ allowing more water along with nutrients to escape through the walls.