Activity 1. The Food Journey

Zabayle, Eron Martin M.

Zabayle, Eron Martin M.

by Eron Martin Zabayle -
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  1. How does the food change in consistency and form

    • Aside from the pathway function of the digestive tract, it is also structured to break down food and absorb nutrients. The digestion mechanism of food, both chemical and mechanical, already starts in the mouth. Salivary enzymes break down food and turn it into a bolus. Many acids and chemical enzymes exist when the food goes down to the stomach.  These substances transform the bolus into a more fluid-like substance called chyme.  As the chyme continues traveling down to the small intestine, it will become simpler and smaller, hence the formation of glucose, fatty acids, glycerol, amino acids, and nucleic acids. These events will result in a change in the consistency of the food during the digestion process.  


  1. How could the body absorb the nutrients from the foods we eat?

    • In the digestive system organs, the small intestine is the primary organ that absorbs about 90% of the nutrients and water we ingest. The excess nutrients not fully absorbed by the small intestine will be obtained through the large intestine. These nutrients will then be transported and carried out through the circulatory system. Therefore, the blood will circulate along with the nutrients absorbed by the small and large intestines.