Activity 2

ALVAREZ, Eunice R.

ALVAREZ, Eunice R.

by Eunice Alvarez -
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Immunological memory, which arises from the immune system's capacity to react to infections more quickly and efficiently after they have been encountered before, is a result of the immune system's clonally enlarged population of cells that are specific to certain antigens. Since vaccines activate T cells and B cells, immunological memory serves as the foundation for immunization against specific diseases through vaccination. The concept of immunological memory reminded me of the importance of updating and boosting our vaccine shots most especially in our chosen field wherein we will be encountering patients from a wide variety of places. As student nurses who will be undergoing duties, it is vital that as early as now, we strive to rebuild and try to gain maximum possible immunity from various diseases. By doing so, we are able to firstly keep ourselves protected and healthy; consequently, have the capability to do more for our future patients.