Activity 1

LU, Kasandra Ysabel S.

LU, Kasandra Ysabel S.

by Kasandra Ysabel Lu -
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1.  Histamine, kinins, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and the complement system promote vasodilation and increased permeability of blood vessels. These allows more blood and defensive proteins to arrive to the injured region. The increased amount of blood will lead to heat and redness. Since more fluid moved into tissue spaces due to increased permeability, this results in edema.  After the initial response, phagocytes arrive. Neutrophils are much more early to respond but monocytes transforming into macrophages are better phagocytes. The same increased permeability increased blood-clotting factors for the area to clot and heal.

2. Innate immunity is simple but effective for many of the harmful matters surrounding us. It consists of physical barriers like our skin, chemical factors, like the acid in our stomach, and other defenses present since birth like antimicrobial proteins, natural killer cells, and phagocytes. Physical factors try to prevent entry in the first place, like how mucus traps microbes or how defecation and vomiting expels microbes. Chemical factors inhibits growth of microbes and destroys harmful substances. In the case of a breach, there are internal defenses in place like antimicrobial substances such as interferons which restricts virus replication and heightens anti-viral defense, natural killer cells, which eliminates infected cells, phagocytes, which engulf foreign substances, and mechanisms like inflammation and fever, which contribute to repair. In general, innate immunity is non-specific.

Reference: Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. (2017). Principles of anatomy & physiology. Fifteenth edition; Wiley Loose-Leaf Print Companion. Hoboken, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.