Module 6 Discussion Forum

Module 6 Discussion Forum

Module 6 Discussion Forum

by Jan Beatrix Hernandez -
Number of replies: 5

In the Philippines, social media has become an increasingly influential platform for the dissemination and utilization of personal and general health information. As technology continues to evolve and more people gain access to smartphones and the internet, social media platforms have emerged as crucial sources of health-related knowledge. Individuals are now able to connect with experts, organizations, and other users on platforms like Facebook and Twitter in order to gather information about various health conditions, prevention methods, treatment options, and lifestyle changes. Moreover, public health agencies also utilize these platforms as a means of effectively reaching out to the masses with vital information regarding disease outbreaks, vaccination campaigns, and health promotion strategies. While this widespread accessibility can enhance health literacy among Filipinos by empowering them with easy-to-access knowledge, it is important to acknowledge the role of verified sources in distinguishing accurate information from misinformation or falsehoods that may circulate on such platforms.

On the other hand, there is a significant issue surrounding the privacy of personal and general health information dissemination and utilization. Despite legislation such as the Data Privacy Act of 2012, which sets guidelines for the collection, processing, and disclosure of personal data, there are still several challenges to overcome. One key concern is the unauthorized access and use of health information by individuals or organizations without proper consent or authority. This not only violates an individual's right to privacy but also poses risks such as identity theft and misuse of sensitive medical data. Additionally, there is a lack of robust systems in place to protect the confidentiality and integrity of health records, leading to potential breaches and leaks.

The HITECH Act of 2009 has significant implications for the use of social media in various industries. The Act, which stands for Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health, was enacted to promote the adoption and meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) in healthcare settings. While social media platforms offer an effective medium for communication and information sharing, they also pose risks, particularly when it comes to the privacy and security of sensitive healthcare data.

First and foremost, under the HITECH Act, healthcare organizations are mandated to protect patients' personal health information (PHI) from unauthorized access and disclosure. Social media platforms, with their wide reach and potential for virality, can make it challenging to maintain control over sensitive data. It is pertinent for graduate students to understand that sharing any form of identifiable patient information on social media platforms can not only violate the HITECH Act but also lead to severe legal consequences. Additionally, by law maintaining a certain level of intelligence about the Act, graduate students can comprehend the importance of implementing comprehensive security measures, such as rigorous privacy settings and strong passwords, to prevent unauthorized access to patients' PHI.

In conclusion, the HITECH Act of 2009 has far-reaching implications for the use of social media in healthcare settings. By exercising intelligence and comprehension, students can leverage social media platforms to enhance communication and collaboration within the healthcare industry while adhering to the regulations set forth by the HITECH Act.


Rights, O. F. C. (2021, June 28). HITECH Act Enforcement Interim Final Rule.

In reply to Jan Beatrix Hernandez

Re: Module 6 Discussion Forum

by Mae Angela Nicole Bedua -
Hi Bea! I agree that we should exercise intelligence and comprehension while utilizing social media platforms whilst following the regulation set by the HITECH Act. Social media can really reach a wide audience and it can lead to the misuse of sensitive medical data. I can say that with this idea that you have shared, this act is one of the important acts that the people in the healthcare field should always keep in mind to protect patient's privacy.
In reply to Jan Beatrix Hernandez

Re: Module 6 Discussion Forum

by Denisse Risel Dela Cruz -
Hi Bea! I agree on your emphasis on how important it is to ensure that the protocols for the HITECH Act are followed. I also think it's crucial for healthcare professionals, particularly those in training, to be deeply conscious of the legal and ethical ramifications associated with disseminating identifiable patient data especially in a time where social media can quickly spread information.
In reply to Jan Beatrix Hernandez

Re: Module 6 Discussion Forum

by Kimberly Anne Candelaria -
Hi Bea! I agree with you that there are a multitude of ethical considerations to keep in mind once information goes online, especially surrounding consent to use patient data, as it can be easily and perhaps irreversibly accessed upon its upload, even if it gets deleted as copies may still exist elsewhere. As such, effective security systems and measures should be set in place alongside the practice of critical thinking to be able to control and manage the spread of information. Doing so will minimize the risk of breaches, leaks, and legal consequences while still reaping the benefits of using technology and social media in healthcare.
In reply to Jan Beatrix Hernandez

Re: Module 6 Discussion Forum

by Ace Israel Ocampo -
Hi Bea! I’m happy that you have mentioned about the wide reach and virality of social media. This characteristic isn’t that bad. This decentralized approach is of great help with disseminating information as long as the privacy of the patient is secured. This is why we have the DPA and the HITECH. Perhaps, one way we can start adopting this in the Philippines is by having a policy to change passwords regularly.
In reply to Jan Beatrix Hernandez

Re: Module 6 Discussion Forum

by Andrea Silapan -
Hello, Bea! I agree on your point that although the Data Privacy Act of 2012 has established regulations for the gathering, handling, and sharing of personal information, there remain several obstacles that need to be addressed. These difficulties persist to this day, and I hope that the security of our accounts may be enhanced and not misused.