CHAN, PLA - Lecture Activity: Respiratory System

CHAN, PLA - Lecture Activity: Respiratory System

by Patricia Lee Chan -
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  1. Initiation of exercise: Oxygen is required to create the ATP that powers muscles so when starting an exercise, muscles are used more rigorously and so more oxygen is needed to meet the increased energy demands. An increase in respiratory rate is expected in order to deliver the aforementioned oxygen to muscles and remove excess carbon dioxide waste to prepare for and sustain the rigorous muscle usage during exercise.
  2. Moderate exercise: The demand for oxygen increases as the body makes use of more energy to sustain muscle usage as moderate exercise continuous. One’s respiratory rate will increase further to supply this demand for oxygen.
  3. Abrupt ascent into high altitudes: The body’s respiratory rate is expected to increase to compensate for the reduced oxygen availability at high altitudes in order to maintain equilibrium in the blood oxygen levels.
  4. Paralysis of phrenic nerve: Since the phrenic nerve controls the diaphragm, a primary respiratory muscle, paralysis would mean an inability for the diaphragm to contract leading to respiratory difficulties.
  5. Severe anemia: Anemia is characterized as an oxygen-carrying deficiency due to the decreased number of hemoglobin in blood. Too compensate for this deficiency and lack of oxygen, the respiratory rate increases in an attempt to deliver the required amount of oxygen to sustain the body.
  6. Advanced pregnancy: At an advanced stage of pregnancy, the fetus position and size puts pressure on the diaphragm and chest cavity minimizing the lung’s capacity, therefore leading to respiratory difficulties or an increase in the respiratory rate to compensate for the lack of oxygen.