Activity 2

PALERMO, Erica Ann M. - Activity 2

PALERMO, Erica Ann M. - Activity 2

by Erica Ann Palermo -
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         The cranial nerves affected by the viral infection are the facial (VII) nerves of the patient, which are mostly observed in patients with Bell's palsy. These facial nerves enable the skeletal muscles to contract, the salivary glands to secrete, and the transmission of sensory signals from the tongue's taste receptors. They are primarily in charge of the functions of the facial body parts. Because of the damage to her facial nerves, the patient, for instance, is unable to move the muscles on the right side of her face. Additionally, the buccinator muscle, which is in charge of the natural secretion of saliva, is affected by her facial nerves not functioning properly, which is the cause of her loss of taste and dry mouth (Tortora and Derrickson, 2017).



Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. (2017). Principles of ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (15th ed.).