Activity 1

GUTIERREZ, Jamie Rafaella

GUTIERREZ, Jamie Rafaella

by Jamie Rafaella Gutierrez -
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  1. Central Nervous System

      • The CNS remains to be the main processor that receives, processes, and responds to information.

  1. Peripheral Nervous System


A. Somatic Nervous System


      • The SNS is responsible for the voluntary actions of the body, therefore stretching and yawning is controlled by the SNS. It allows the muscles in the body to move and contract. The sensory motors are also responsible for being able to receive the stimuli from the alarm clock and smell of the coffee.

B. Autonomic Nervous System

      • The ANS is responsible for the regulation of involuntary actions, in this case, salivating.

C. Enteric Nervous System

      • The ENS is mostly responsible for the activities in the GI tract, in the case above, it was responsible for the rumbling of the stomach.