Activity 1

SOLIVEN, Marie Concepcion P. - Activity 1

SOLIVEN, Marie Concepcion P. - Activity 1

by Marie Concepcion Soliven -
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  • ANS, particularly the sympathetic division, causes us to be awake and excited. This division carries signals that put our body's systems on alert. 

  • SNS is responsible for the smelling of coffee and hearing the alarm, as this consists of the somatic sensory neurons (smell and taste).

  • ANS is responsible for signaling the stretching and yawning, centered at the hypothalamus. This involuntary yawning and stretching is our body’s automatic response to prolonged muscle contraction when waking up or being sedentary for a long time. However, if the person unconsciously stretched and yawned after waking up and then decided to continue after, the somatic motor neurons will take place as this signals our skeletal muscles, which involves a voluntary movement. 

  • Salivating, on the other hand, is autonomic (ANS), particularly parasympathetic.

  • ENS, consisting of the enteric motor (gastrointestinal) is responsible for the stomach rumble. Enteric motor neurons govern contraction of GI tract smooth muscle that serve to propel food through the GI tract or signal hunger.