SEE, Nixie Skyler M. - Activity 3

SEE, Nixie Skyler M. - Activity 3

by Nixie Skyler See -
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1. 2-month old well female infant due for PCV and Penta Vaccines that is administered via intramuscular route

  • Where are the sites of injection?
    • For infants who will be receiving PCVs, the preferred site of injection is on the anterolateral (right) thigh. 
    • In the case of Penta vaccines for infants, the preferred site of injection is on the anterolateral thigh as well, but on the left side.
  • What muscle is targeted in the injection? (Write down its origin, insertion, and action)
    • The targeted muscle for both PCV and Penta Vaccine is the Vastus Lateralis Muscle located on the thigh. 
    • Its origin is on the greater trochanter and linea aspers of femur, while its insertion is on the patella via quadriceps tendon and then tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament. Its action extends leg at knee joint. 
  • How do you locate this area?
    • Infant must be laid down or held by a parent, then palpate the muscle below the greater trochanter and above the knee joint. Divide the muscle into thirds and administer the injection into the middle third of the muscle, in the outer anterolateral aspect, lateral to the midpoint of the thigh.


2. 65-year-old grandfather also due for influenza vaccine that is administered intramuscularly

  • Which muscle is the preferred site for IM injection in this case? (Write down its origin, insertion and action)
    • The best muscle site for IM injection for the elderlies is the deltoid muscle of the arm.
  • How do you locate this area?
    • Patient should be sitting comfortably with their arm visible from the shoulder to the top of the elbow. Palpate the acromion (outer edge of the scapula) and trace an imaginary inverted triangle below the shoulder. The injection should be given 3-5cms below the acromion, in the middle of the triangle.


Administering Pneumococcal Vaccine | For Providers | CDC. (2019, November 18).

Immunization Module: Vaccine Preparation and Administration Routes of the EPI Vaccines: View as single page. (n.d.). Retrieved September 8, 2023, from

Intramuscular Injections Best Practices for Safe Vaccine Administration in Nursing Homes. (n.d.).

Schneider, M. (2022, May). Clinical Guidelines (Nursing) : Intramuscular Injections.

Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. H. (2017). Tortora’s Principles of Anatomy & Physiology. Wiley.