Salcedo, Bianca Mae - Activity 3

Salcedo, Bianca Mae - Activity 3

by Bianca Mae Salcedo -
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  • Injection Site: The recommended injection site for PCV in infants is the anterolateral thigh.
  • Targeted Muscle: The muscle targeted in this injection is the vastus lateralis muscle.
  • Origin: The vastus lateralis muscle originates from the greater trochanter of the femur.
  • Insertion: It inserts into the patella and the tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament.
  • Action: The vastus lateralis is responsible for extending the knee joint and is one of the primary muscles used during leg extension and walking.
  • Locating the Area:
    • First, divide the thigh into thirds horizontally.
    • The injection site is typically found in the middle third of the thigh.
    • Look for this spot on the anterolateral (front and outer) side of the thigh.
    • Make sure to avoid the area near the inner thigh where the femoral artery is located.


  • Muscle: Deltoid Muscle
  • Origin: The deltoid muscle originates from the lateral third of the clavicle, acromion process of the scapula, and the spine of the scapula.
  • Insertion: It inserts into the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.
  • Action: The deltoid muscle is responsible for several actions, including abduction (lifting the arm away from the body), flexion (lifting the arm forward), and extension (moving the arm backward). It is a key muscle in providing stability and mobility to the shoulder joint.
  • Locating the Area:
    • Expose the upper arm and shoulder.
    • Ask the patient to relax their arm at their side or flex the elbow.
    • Identify the lower edge of the acromion process.
    • Measure 2 to 3 finger widths down from the acromion process.
    • Visualize a triangle with the base at the acromion process and the apex pointing toward the elbow.
    • Administer the injection at the center of this triangle.




Administering Pneumococcal Vaccines. (2022, January 23). National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.,muscle%20in%20the%20anterolateral%20thigh.

Elsevier – Clinical skills │ Medication administration: intramuscular injections - home health care. (n.d.).

Hecht, M. (2020, April 17). Anatomy of the Shoulder Muscles Explained. Healthline.

Tortora, G., & Derrickson, B. (2012). Principles of ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (13th ed.). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.