WONG, Kateleen Claire T - Activity 1

WONG, Kateleen Claire T - Activity 1

by Kateleen Claire Wong -
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Name the muscle that may cause the following facial expression and write down its origin, insertion, and action.

  1. Platysma  

    • Origin: Fascia over deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.

    • Insertion:Mandible, blends with muscles around angle of mouth, and skin of lower face. 

    • Action: Draws outer part of lower lip inferiorly and posteriorly as in pouting; depresses mandible

  2. Mentalis

    • Origin: Mandible.

    • Insertion: Skin of chin

    • Action: Elevates and protrudes lower lip and pulls skin of chin up, as in pouting

  3. Orbicular oris

    • Origin: Muscle fibers surrounding opening of mouth.

    • Insertion: Skin at corner of mouth.

    • Action:  Closes and protrudes lips, as in kissing; compresses lips against teeth; and shapes lips during speech.

  4. Corrugator supercilii 

    • Origin: Medial end of superciliary arch of frontal bone. 

    • Insertion: Skin of eyebrow. 

    • Action: Draws eyebrow inferiorly and wrinkles skin of forehead vertically as in frowning. 

  5. Orbicularis Oculi 

    • Origin: Medial wall of orbit. 

    • Insertion: Circular path around orbit 

    • Action: Closes eye 

  6. Occipitofrontalis, frontal belly 

    • Origin: Epicranial aponeurosis. 

    • Insertion: Skin superior to supraorbital margin.

    • Action: Draws scalp anteriorly, raises eyebrows, and wrinkles skin of forehead horizontally as in look of surprise. 


Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. (2017). Principles of anatomy and physiology. Wiley Custom Learning Solutions.