Young, Matt Jedi M.

Young, Matt Jedi M.

by Matt Jedi Young -
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  1. The preferred injection site is vastus lateralis muscle in the anterolateral thigh. It originates at the intertrochanteric line, greater trochanter, lateral aspect of the linea aspera, gluteal tuberosity, and the lateral intermuscular septum. It inserts on the lateral aspect of the patella, and terminally insert on the tibial tuberosity via the patellar tendon. Its function is to extend the knee joint. To locate this, divide the upper thigh into three parts from the greater Trochanter to the lateral femoral condyle of knee. The injection site of the vaccine is at the middle third portion.
  2. The preferred injection site is the deltoid muscle. It has a wide origin including the clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula. It inserts onto the humerus. Its action is for arm abduction. It is located in the shoulder girdle at the bicep.

Administering pneumococcal vaccine: for providers | CDC. (n.d.).  vaccines/vpd/pneumo/hcp/administering-vaccine.html#:~:text=The%20preferred%20site%20for%20PCV13,or%20PCV20%20vaccination%20in%20adults.