De Leon, Ryanne Pauline M. (Activity 4)

De Leon, Ryanne Pauline M. (Activity 4)

by Ryanne Pauline De Leon -
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Muscles affected in Bell's Palsy

  1. Frontalis: elevates the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead
  2. Orbicularis oculicloses eyelids and assists in tear transport and drainage 
  3. Orbicularis oris: closes mouth and purses the lips
  4. Buccinator: pulls the corner of mouth laterally and presses the cheek against the teeth
  5. Platysma: draws the corners of the mouth down

Mechanism of his muscle weakness

  • Individuals with Bell’s palsy experience temporary paralysis of their facial muscles. On one side of the face, muscles become inflamed and lose their ability to function. This results in involuntary and uncontrollable facial movement.

Other symptoms of facial muscle weakness

  • Difficulty closing one eye
  • Difficulty consuming food
  • Increased sensitivity to sound
  • Excessive drooling and tearing 
  • Difficulty making facial expressions


  • Anatomy Tables - Muscles. (n.d.). Medical Gross Anatomy.
  • What is Bell’s Palsy? (n.d.). PennMedicine.