ARZADON, Beatrice V.

ARZADON, Beatrice V.

by Beatrice Arzadon -
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  1. Muscles that are affected by Bell's Palsy
    1. Frontalis (It is responsible for elevating the eyebrows)
    2. Orbicularis oculi (It closes the eyelids and assists in pumping the tears from the eye into the nasolacrimal duct)
    3. Orbicularis oris (It closes the mouth, compresses and protrudes lips)
    4. Buccinator (It maintains the tightness of the cheeks and presses them against the teeth during chewing; it also assists the tongue to keep the bolus of food central in the oral cavity)
    5. Platysma (It depresses and wrinkles skin of lower face and mouth and aids forced depression of mandible)
  2. Mechanism of muscle weakness
    1. According to Warner et al. (2023), Bell's Palsy is thought to result from compression of the seventh cranial nerve at the geniculate ganglion. The first portion of the facial canal, which is the narrowest and where most cases of compression occur in, is the labyrinthine segment and because of the narrow opening of this canal, inflammation causes compression and ischemia of the nerve. The most common finding is a unilateral facial weakness that includes the muscles of the forehead.
  3. Other symptoms that could be exhibited as a result of facial muscle weakness
    1. Facial pain or abnormal sensations
    2. Excessive tearing in one eye
    3. Problems with taste
    4. Low tolerance for loud noises
    5. Pain around the jaw and behind the ear
    6. Problems eating or drinking


Pessino, K., Patel, J., Patel, B. (2023). Anatomy, Head and Neck; Frontalis Muscle. StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from,in%20middle%20cerebral%20artery%20strokes

Tong, J., Lopez, M., Patel, B. (2023). Anatomy, Head and Neck: Eye Orbicularis Oculi Muscle. StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from,into%20the%20nasolacrimal%20duct%20system.

Sendic, G. (2023). Orbicularis oris muscle. Kenhub. Retrieved from

Sendic, G. (2023). Buccinator. Kenhub. Retrieved from 

N.A. (n.d.). Platysma. Loyola University Medical Education Network Master Muscle List. Retrieved from 

Warner, M., Hutchison, J., Varacallo, M. (2023). Bell Palsy. StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from,the%20muscles%20of%20the%20forehead.

N.A. (n.d.). Bell’s Palsy. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Retrieved from