Inawat, Lawrence Miguel C.

Inawat, Lawrence Miguel C.

by Lawrence Miguel Inawat -
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  1. Platysma (tenses the neck)
    Origin - Fascia of deltoid and pectoralis major
    Insertion - Skin and muscle around the lower face and angle of mouth; lower region of the mandible
    Action - Elevation of mouth and lowers the mandible

  2. Mentalis (pouting)
    Origin - Incisive fossa of mandible
    Insertion - Lower jaw (mandible) and each side of the frenulum (lower lips); skin of the chin
    Action - Protrude the lower lip and raises the skin of the chin 

  3. Orbicularis Oris (kissing)
    Origin - Maxilla and mandible
    Insertion - Skin and muscle around the mouth
    Action - Projects the lips outwards (closes), compresses against the teeth, and shapes during communication

  1. Corrugator Supercilii (frowning)
    Origin - Medial end of the superciliary arch of frontal bone, cranially to the root of the nose
    Insertion - The eyebrow’s skin above the middle part of the supraorbital margin.
    Action - Draws the eyebrows together medially; wrinkling of the nose bridge

  1. Orbicularis Oculi (winking)
    Origin - Frontal and maxillary bones; Lacrimal bone
    Insertion - Tissue around eyelids (upper and lower)
    Action - Closes the eye (blinking or squinting)

  1. Occipitofrontalis - frontal belly (lifting eyebrows)
    Origin - Epicranial aponeurosis (Galea aponeurotica) and Occipital bone
    Insertion - Skin superior to supraorbital margin
    Action - Raising eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead


Head and neck: Anatomy study course. Kenhub. (n.d.). 

Tortora, G. J. (2018, May 15). Principles of anatomy and physiology. Google Books.