De Leon, Ryanne Pauline M. (Activity 1)

De Leon, Ryanne Pauline M. (Activity 1)

by Ryanne Pauline De Leon -
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Muscle 1: Platysma

Origin: skin over the lower neck and upper lateral chest

Insertion: inferior border of mandible

Action: (1) depresses and wrinkles skin of lower face and mouth; (2) tenses skin of the anterior neck

Muscle 2: Mentalis

Origin: incisive fossa of mandible

Insertion: skin of the chin

Action: (1) elevates and wrinkles skin of the chin; (2) raises and protrudes lower lip

Muscle 3: Orbicularis Oris 

Origin: maxillary bone and mandible

Insertion: margin of lips

Action: (1) closes mouth; (2) purses lips and puckers lip edges

Muscle 4: Corrugator Supercilii

Origin: medial superciliary arch

Insertion: skin of the medial forehead

Action: (1) wrinkles forehead vertically

Muscle 5: Orbicularis Oculi

Origin: medial orbital margin and the medial palpebral ligament

Insertion: skin around margin of orbit and tarsal plates of eyelids

Action: (1) closes eyelids; (2) assists in tear transport and drainage

Muscle 6: Occipitofrontalis 

Origin: galea aponeurotica

Insertion: skin and superficial fascia of the eyebrows

Action: (1) wrinkles forehead; (2) raises eyebrows
