TAN, Edward A. (Activity 2)

TAN, Edward A. (Activity 2)

by Edward Tan -
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  1. Throwing a baseball overhead

Muscle # 1: Latissimus dorsi

Action: Extends, adducts, and medially rotates arm at shoulder joint; draws arm inferiorly and posteriorly. RMA: Elevates vertebral column and torso.

Innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve


Muscle # 2: Deltoid

Action: Lateral fibers abduct arm at shoulder joint; anterior fibers flex and medially rotate arm at shoulder joint; posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate arm at shoulder joint.

Innervation: Axillary nerve

  1. Kicking a ball

Muscle # 1: Gastrocnemius

Action: it is the plantar flexion at the ankle joint and flexion of leg at knee joint.

Innervation: Tibial nerve 


Muscle # 2: Soleus

Action: it is the plantar flexion at the ankle joint

Innervation: Tibial nerve

  1. Doing sit ups

Muscle # 1: Rectus Abdominis

Action: it primarily flexes the lumbar spine, thus bringing the ribcage closer to the pelvis. It also assists in stabilizing the pelvis and maintaining posture. It plays a key role in supporting the abdominal organs and protecting the spinal column. 

Innervation: Thoracic spinal nerves (T7 - T12)


Muscle # 2: Transversus abdominis

Action: it compresses the abdomen.

Innervation: Thoracic spinal nerves (T8–T12), iliohypogastric nerve, & ilioinguinal nerve

  1. Breathing

Muscle # 1: Diaphragm 

Action: its contraction makes itself flat and increases the vertical dimensions of the which, which causes inhalation. On the other hand, its relaxation allows itself to move superiorly, as well as decreases the vertical dimension of the thorax, which results in exhalation.

Innervation: Phrenic nerve, carrying axons from cervical spinal nerves (C3–C5)


Muscle # 2: External intercostals

Action: it elevates the ribs, which results in inhalation. While, it depresses the rib cage, which causes exhalation.

Innervation: Thoracic spinal nerves (T2–T12)



Mallat, J., Marieb, E.N. & Wilhelm, P.B. (2016). Human anatomy (8th ed.). Washington, USA: Pearson.

Tortora, G.J. & Derrickson, B. (2017). Chapter 11: The Muscular System. In Principles of anatomy and physiology (15th ed.).