
N4 Second Long Exam Instructions and Reminders

N4 Second Long Exam Instructions and Reminders

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Dear Students,

Please read the second long exam instructions and reminders carefully. The exam will be tomorrow, Monday (March 27), 7 AM, through the UPM VLE.

The UPM VLE N4 course site lecture contents will be unavailable 30 minutes before the examination period.

For students who have internet access issues (e.g. unstable internet connection, gadget shared with family member, or aware of scheduled power interruption in their location) during this time period, please inform faculty ahead of time via email ( or through SMS (09199929739).

For those who will go to UPCN to access the university internet, please inform me as well. Students living in the same accommodations/ same condo unit/ or same dorm room should take the exam separately. Location and IP address will be asked during the exam.

If you have any questions, you may reply here. Thank you.

~N4 Faculty