Activity 2. Reflection

FADUL, Gianella Adeia P. - Activity 2: Reflection

FADUL, Gianella Adeia P. - Activity 2: Reflection

by Gianella Adeia Fadul -
Number of replies: 0

1. What major challenge do you think you will encounter in applying what you have learned from anatomy?

  • To be honest, I've been struggling with the subject in general. I think my memorization skills have deteriorated since the pandemic began. I'm having trouble remembering everything I read and learn. I get confused because I am overwhelmed by all of the terms and information. In addition, I have a short attention span. Learning this subject online is also challenging. I wanted to see organs and other body parts in person because I know they somehow look different in pictures. I might have a hard time identifying some body parts. Furthermore, I was unable to conduct some experiments and laboratory activities due to a lack of resources.

2. What are your plans to overcome this challenge?

  • It might actually be impossible to remember everything. I'm familiarizing myself with the terms and information rather than memorizing them. It is vital that I understand the meaning or gist of the concepts. I also read it several times or watch educational videos to ensure that I fully comprehend it. Furthermore, I create mnemonics or associate a concept with something entertaining to help me remember it. I also try to answer the self-quiz and critical thinking questions in Tortora. In terms of experiments, I watch YouTube videos that demonstrate the specific experiment so that I can understand how things work and appreciate the experiment more.